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Strengthening Gender Sensitivity of Cocoa Growers in Central Sulawesi

Erus Rusyadi

To build gender awareness and equality in the cocoa supply chain, be able to use gender analysis to identify necessary interventions in the cocoa supply chain, and integrate gender and social inclusion into the cocoa supply chain; GIZ SASCI+ carried out training for trainers ( Training of Trainers ) which was attended by 60 participants consisting of lead farmer, JB Cocoa, OFI, Edu Farmer, Karsa Institute, Gampiri, Panorama Alam Lestari Foundation (YPAL), Head of Agricultural Extension Center, Plantation Extension Officer, Department Central Sulawesi Province Plantation and Livestock Services, Poso Regency Agriculture Service, Sigi Regency Horticulture and Plantation Food Crops Service, and Sigi Regency Women's Empowerment Service.

The activity was held at Hotel Santika - Palu on 4 - 5 December 2023 (attended by 30 participants from Palu and Sigi Regency) and at Hotel Ancyra - Poso on 7-8 December 2023 (attended by 30 participants from Poso Regency). Nita and Andini as ToT trainers. As a follow-up, GIZ will conduct gender sensitivity training for cocoa farmers in 2024 which will be facilitated by alumni participating in this training .


Palu, December 14 2023

Erus Rusyadi

Technical Professional SASCI+ in Central Sulawesi






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