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The Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserves

"A Biosphere Reserve is a living  laboratory for sustainable development terrastrial and coastal marine systems - for promoting and demostrating a balanced relationship between humans and nature". Biosphere Reserves are a platform for integration of regional management based on a bioregion approach to sustainable economic development.

The Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve (Lore Lindu BR) was launched by the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme that combines natural and social sciences, economics and education to improve human livehoods and safeguard natural and managed ecosystems, thus promoting innovative approaches to environmentally sustainable, economic development. Lore Lindu BR is located in four districts (Poso, Sigi, Donggala, Parigi Moutong) adn Palu municapitaly


































Lore  Lindu Biosphere Reserve

The Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve is divided into three zones:

  1. Core Area:  An area that is conderved permanently or long term. Lore Lindu BR’s  corea area is the Lore Lindu National Park covering 215,687.40 ha, which is loacated in Sigi and Poso districts

  2. Buffer Zone: An area adjacent to the core area, where socially sustainable development and production approaches are conducted. The buffer zone of 503, 738 ha is located in Sigi, Poso and Parigi Moutong districts

  3. Transitional Area: An area adjacent to or surrounding the buffer zone, in which sustainable economic development is promoted. The transitional zone lies in Palu Municipality

The Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve is located an Altitude betwen 200-2610 meters above sea level. Most of the core area of Lore Lindu BR -  the Lore Lindu National Park is located at more than 1,000 meters above sea level.

Lore Lindu National Park

Lore Lindu National Park has a high diversity of flora species, ± 263 species of which some are endemic species such as Leda (Eucalyptus deglupa) a species of eucalyptus or Wanga (Figafeta ellata) a species of palm tree.

Additionally, the Lore Lindu National Park is rich in fauna and species diversity, such as mamalia (117 species), birds (88 species), reptilians (29 species) and amphibian (19 species). More than 50% of the fauna in the core are are endemic species, such as the mountain anoa (Anoa quarlesi), the lowland anow (Anoa depressicornis), the tersier (Tarsius spektrum), the Sulawesi palm civet (Magcrogalidia musschenbrockii), the Celebes rat (Rattus celebensis), the maleo (Macrocephalon maleo), the raddish rat snake (Elaphe erythrura), the Sulawesian toad (Bufo celebensis), the little Celebes cuscus (Strigocuscus celebencis), the Celebes Black-tailed rat snake (Elaphe janseni) the climbing bass (Anabas testudines).

The  socio-cultural potential of Lore Lindu National Park included relics of Megalith and costumary traditions of Central Sulawesi tribe communities, such as bamboo music or the traditional dance called Dero. Most of the tribes living around the park are Kaili Ledo, kaili Ija, Kaili Ado, Kaili Moma, Kaili Tohulu, Kaili Da’a, Kulawi, Behoa, Pekurehua and Bada. Each tribe has a very special artistic culture and dance, which is referred to as Rego.

Tourism Objects at the Core Area of Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve

  1. Kalimpa’a Tambing Lake : Camping, bird watching and visiting breeding stations for wild orchid.

  2. Lindu Lake: boat trips, wildlife watching (birds  slow lorry, macagues) and cultural attractions

  3. Saluki Valley: selective breeding Maleo bird

  4. Kulawi and Gimpu : camping, wildlife watching, cultural attractions

  5. Napu, Besoa and Bada valley: megalith stone, cultural attractions, wildlife watching (birds, tersier)

  6. Nokilalaki Mountain, Rorekatimbu Mountain: Climbing, tourist attractions and sport event at the Lore Lindu BR transition area:

  • Annual international bike cycle competition  Tour De Central Celebes (TDCC) in November

  • Lake Poso Festival in August

  • Lindu Festival in July

  • Paragliding at mount Matantimali, Sigi

  • Wild orchid breeding in Palolo, Sigi

  • The house of Chocolate of Central Sulawesi, Palu

  • Central Sulawesi Grand Park

  • Pine Forest in Kulawi Management Unit

  • Magrove forest at Banawa Lalundu Forest Management Unit

  • Snorkelling and Diving  at Tanjung Karang

Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve Central Sulawesi 


"A Biosphere Reserve is a living  laboratory for sustainable development terrastrial and coastal marine systems - for promoting and demostrating a balanced relationship between humans and nature". Biosphere Reserves are a platform for integration of regional management based on a bioregion approach to sustainable economic development.

  1. Support the development of government regulations regarding the establishment and management of the Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve;

  2. Support the preparation of regional regulations and governor regulations on the Forest Management Unit (FMU/KPH);

  3. Reactivate institutions involved in the management of the Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve;

  4. Conduct technical training and forest planning for KPH staff, national park centers, forestry offices and related parties;

  5. Carry out increased capacity for women including conservation of orchid cultivation and environmentally friendly agriculture;

  6. Support the development of forestry products, environmental services, and ecotourism as well as small industries and Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve certified.

  7. Support the development of community-based forest management and conservation and social forestry;

  8. Support awareness of biodiversity conservation.

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